AGH Save food. Help people

Non-profit work opportunity for asylum seekers according to §5 AsylbLG

The AGH SAVE FOOD. HELP PEOPLE is an employment offer for people from the area of the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act who are interested in working as store assistants in the Stuttgarter Tafel food bank store.

Project information: Work opportunities for asylum seekers

Work opportunities for asylum seekers according to §5 AsylbLG support the introduction to daily and work structures. They facilitate later integration into the labor market in Germany. The Stuttgart Social Welfare Office must agree to participation in the project.


  • Participation: Participation is voluntary. It ends, for example, when the asylum procedure is completed. Or when switching to a language course.
  • Target group: Asylum seekers according to § 1 Para. 1 AsylbLG who are able to work but do not have a job. You must be between 18 and 65 years old. Anyone who goes to school is not allowed to take part.
  • Working hours: You may work 15 to 25 hours per week.
  • Allowance for expenses: You receive an allowance of 0.80 euros from the social welfare office for every hour you work.
  • Reimbursement of travel costs: If the journey to work is longer than 3 kilometers, you will be reimbursed for bus and train fares for each working day.

Information: Non-profit organisation Schwäbische Tafel Stuttgart

Yesterday's bread, yoghurt that no longer has a long shelf life or unsold fruit and vegetables are all food that would end up in the bin. The non-profit organization Schwäbische Tafel collects the food. People in need can buy the food cheaply with the Bonus Card in the food bank store.


Click here for the image film of the Schwäbische Tafel.  (2:17 min.)


The project Save food. Help people offers the opportunity to help out as a store assistant in the food bank.


The work in the food bank store includes

  • Sorting and preparing food
  • Keeping the food bank store and work areas clean
  • Checking the best-before date of the food
  • Getting to know German work structures
  • Learning new activities and German in everyday working life in order to find a job more quickly later on
  • Making personal contacts outside the accommodation
  • Support from the GJB social services in the event of problems in the workplace and for orientation in the world of work. The social service works together with the social welfare office and the social service of the accommodation.

The project is carried out in cooperation between the GJB and Schwäbische Tafel Stuttgart e.V. The GJB organizes the project and provides socio-educational support for the participants, while Schwäbische Tafel Stuttgart e.V. is responsible for providing work guidance.

job interview (please make an appointment in advance)

Schwäbische Tafel Stuttgart e.V., 

Heiligenwiesen 6, 70327 Stuttgart, subway U4 and U9 stop Hedelfinger Straße

Telephone 0711 63 38 99 0, fax 0711 63 38 99 14, e-mail

Monday to Friday 9:00 - 13:00